Studies in Oriental Art and Culture


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Studies in Oriental Art and Culture

in Honour of Professor Tadeusz Majda

Warsaw 2006

Studies dedicated to Orient and Oriental Art. Multilanguage book (English, French, Italian, German, Russian) written by renown world scholars as a honour for known Polish Oriental art expert – prof. Tadeusz Majda, curator of the Warsaw National Museum.

The book contains 22 articles, divided between few chapters:





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Anna Parzymies: Professor Majda and His Research, Teaching and Organisational Achievements

Bibliography of Tadeusz Majda


Jan Ciopiński: Keys to Ottoman Poetry

Janusz Danecki: The Political Theory of Al-Gahiz

Тофик Меликли, Поэтический мир Назымa Хикметa

Giampiero Bellingeri, Da Padre Tadeusz a Pan Tadeusz, via Venezia: stampa turca, manoscritto italiano, impronta polacca


György Hazai, Materialen zur Chronologie der Entwicklung des (Y)ECEK-Futurums

Jadwiga Pstrusińska, The Origin of the Ethnonym ‘Afghan’. Proposal for a New Hypothesis

Anna Parzymies, Ethnonymes slaves. Propositions d’etymologies altaïques


Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Les merveilles botaniques du Cathay dans la cosmographie de Katib Çelebi

Сергей Г. Кляшторный, Праславяане в Поволже

Dariusz Kołodziejczyk, La Res Publica polono-lituanienne était-elle le vassal de l’Empire Ottoman?

Dariusz Maciak, The Turkish and Muslim World in the Research and Academic Teaching of Centre for East European and Central Asian Studies, Warsaw University in the years 1989-2005


Mieczysław J. Künstler, About Failure to Detect the Source of Light. A Few Points on the Chinese Painting

Rudolf Sellheim, Löwe – Hirsch – Stier. Symbole auf Münzen aus der Früh- und Spätzeit im Orient

Walter B. Denny, Dispersed Ottoman Repeating-Pattern Iznik Tiles

Ernst J. Grube, Eleanor Sims, From ‘The Bloody and Cruell Turke’ to Turquerie: Some Thoughts on the bPerception of the Turk in European Imagination, Art and History

John Carswell, The Double-Dutch Carpet or, the Scoutmaster’s Secret

Marie Lukens Swietochowski, A Small Group  of Single Figures in a Kneeling Pose

Marthe Bernus-Taylor, Une aiguière à décor de waq-waq du Musée du Louvre

Karin Rührdanz, Der text über die Dämonen und seine Illustrationem in ‘Aja’ib al-Makhluqat-Handschriften vom 14. -17. Jahrhundert

Beata Biedrońska-Słota, Composition of Persian Carpets Called Polish

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