Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, vol. XI


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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae

vol.  XI

Lodz 1998


Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae is prestigious magazine listed by ERIH – European Reference Index for the Humanities.

Few volumes of the series are dedicated to archaeology of arms, armor and wars in general. Multilingual character makes it “a must have” book for every historian and collector of antique arms. Printed only in 300 copies!!!



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– Janusz Bogdanowski, ‘Peasant Castles’ in Poland as a Defence against Tartars (13th-17th c.)

– Sven Ekdahl, Die Bewaffnung der schwedischen Bauern im Mittelalter

– Mateusz Golinski, Peasant’s Arms and Armor in the Light of the Silesians’ Military Duties in the 15th-16th centuries

– Klaus Militzer, Die Bewaffnung der Burger westdeutcher Stadte im Spatmittelalter

– Jean-Marie Pesez, Les armes du populaire: inventaire ecrit et inventaire archeologique

In the bookstore You can also find other parts of this great magazine: volumes 20, 21, 22

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