Warfare in the Middle Ages

“Warfare in the Middleages”

series: Acta Archaelogica Lodziensia, no. 47

Łódź 2001




Multilingual (English, French and German) book with 10 specialistic articles written by Polish, French and German historians, on the art of war in Middle Ages.


– Andrzej Nowakowski, The Battles Fought by Mieszko I for Pomerania-on-Oder

– Wojciech Iwańczak, The Pretended Miracle or the Battle of Chlumec in 1126

– Sven Ekdahl, Die Schlacht auf dem Brunkenberg bei Stockholm 1471 zwischen Anhangern und Gegnern der Kalmaren Union. Ihre Auswirkungen auf das politische und kulturelle Leben

– Jan Szymczak, Relieving a Besieged City in Medieval Poland

– Johnny De Meulemeester, Andre Matthys, Castles at war: some reflections based on excavations of motte and bailey castles in Belgium

– Klaus Militzer, Die Betailigung von Burgern an Schlachten des 13.-15. Jahrhunderts, dargestellt insbesondere an Kolner Beispielen

– Mateusz Golinski, Some remarks on the issue of the tactical organization of Knight Forces

– Daniele Alexandre-Bidon, Blessures de guerre et mort du guerrier (a travers la Bible Maciejowski, France, XIIIe siecle)

– Antoni Romuald Chodynski, The significance of the lost painting ‘The siege of Malbork in 1460’ from Dwor Artusa in the study of the arms and armour of the close of the 15th century

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