Early Medieval Swords, by Lech Marek

“Early Medieval Swords from Central and Eastern Europe”

 by Lech Marek

 Wrocław 2005


One of the best selling book on arms of recent year. Renewed in two editions, now became a very rare title!

This is a serious work on medieval swords written by university scholar, with fresh and critical view on other significant works published in the world. Title is a little misleading, because the book discuss swords not only from Poland but also those found in Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia!





Chapter 1. The question of Classification

Chapter 2. Embellishment of sword-hilts

– Swords of distinctive types 1, 2 and of the MANNHEIM type

– Type D

– Type S

– Problems associated with horn-hilts

– Ornamentation of Z-type sword-hilts

Chapter 3. Technological aspects of the blade construction

– Blade structures

– Blade forms

Chapter 4. Inscriptions and symbols on swords

– Names of ambiguous meaning

– Names of sword-smiths

– Invocations

– HARTOLFA and HILTIPREHT inscriptions

– Magic and closing symbols

Chapter 5. The sword as a weapon and symbol

– Coclusion

– 34 Plates with B&W pictures of swords, hilts, decorations, symbols and inscriptions

– Literature

The catalogue places in the book contains over 400 early medieval swords found in Europe!

The book includes maps with marked places where the swords were found!

Highly recommended work on swords, not only for archeologists but for every sword-lover!

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Weight 0.5 kg






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