Quaestiones Medii Aevii Novae, vol. 4


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“Quaestiones Medii Aevii Novae”

volume 4 – Peace and War

Warszawa 1999



4th volume of academic journal, focused on arms and armour. It contains near 20 multilingual articles by known scholars from Europe. Articles are in English, German and French.






– Philippe Contaminem, Penser la guerre et la paix a la fin du XIV siecle: Honore Bouvet (v.1345-1410)

– Zdzislaw Zygulski jun., Knightly Arms – Plebeian Arms

– Irina Moroz, The Idea of Holy War in the Orthodox World (on Russian Chronicles from 12th-16th c.)

– Zenon H. Nowak, International Arbitration in the Later Middle Ages

– Stanislaw Szczur, La papaute d’Avignion face aux conflits en Europe Centrale au XIVe siecle

– Leszek Kazjzer, Die Burgen als Bestandteil der gesellschaftlichen Landschaft im mittelalterlichen Polen

– Mateusz Golinski, Rustungen Karls IV. in den Jahren 1362-1363. Stadischer Aspekt

– Szczesny Skibinski, Les effets inattendus des croisades de saint Louis sur l’historire de architecture en France et en Europe Centrale (Economie et architecture)

– Jan Frolik, Prague Castle in the Early and High Middle Ages in the Light of Archaeology

– Wojciech Chudziak, The Early Romaneque Building from Kaldus Voivodeship of Torun – Chronology and Function

– Book Notices

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