Studies in the History of Old Arms and Uniforms, vol. 13


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“Studia do dziejów dawnego uzbrojenia i ubioru wojskowego  ” cz. 13

[Studies in the history of old arms and uniforms, vol. 13]

ed. by Zdzisław Żygulski jun. and Michal Dziewulski

Kraków 2011


13th volume of the journal Studies on arms and uniforms.

This time the National Museum in Krakow gives to your hands a very thick book, which includes probably the last article by the late Claude Blair “King Henry VIII’s dagger and powder flask, and the gates of the Bolougne” which is available in English!

All other papers are provided with English summaries.




Contents (articles in Polish):

– Zdzisław Żygulski jun., Iconographic Study of the Plafond in the Krakow Bishops’ Palace in Kielce.
Diplomatic Trophy of Bishop and Chancellor Jakub Zadzik after the Polish-Swedish
Wars and the Smoleńsk War (English Summary)

– Claude Blair, King Henry VIII’s Dagger and Powder-flask, and the Gates of Boulogne (in English)

– Henryk Szemborski, The Sabre Workshop in Wyszyna in the Wielkopolska Region. From the History
of the “Oldest and Finest” Polish Bladesmithy in the 16th–18th Century (English summary)

– Mieczysław Siciński, The Uniforms of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the Reigns
of Augustus II and Augustus III Wettings and the Reign of Stanisław August
Poniatowski to the times of Reforms of the Four Years’ Sejm, 1717–1791 (English summary)

– Maciej Trąbski, The Sabre Workshop in Wyszyna in the Wielkopolska Region. From the History
of the “Oldest and Finest” Polish Bladesmithy in the 16th–18th Century (English summary)

– Henryk Szemborski, The Uniforms and Equipment of the Mounted Rifles of the Kingdom of Poland
Army in 1815–1830 (English summary)

– Andrzej Konstankiewicz, The Uniforms and Arms of the Polish Border Guards (1928–1939) (English summary)

– Jan Kruczek, The New Armoury in the Pszczyna Castle Museum (English summary)

– Leszek Zachuta, The Krakow Branch of the Association of the Lovers of Old Arms and Uniforms
(1999–2009) (English summary)


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