Acta Militaria Mediaevalia, Volume 5


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Acta Militaria Mediaevalia

 volume V

 Kraków-Sanok 2009

Fifth volume of highly estimate journal focused on medieval weapons, with articles written by the best Polish archaeologists and curators from young and old generation of scholars.

This volume offers ONE ESSEY IN ENGLISH, other artciles are in Polish with ENGLISH summaries.


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Contents with titles of English summaries:

– Andrzej Kuczkowski

Magic and religious elements of war art of the early middle ages Western Slavs

– Paweł M. Rudziński

Shield in early medieval Poland on the background of the European warfare. From tribal times to early state

– Sergey Yu. Kainov

Sword’s scabbard chapes from Gnezdowo

– Andrzej Janowski

Engraved bronze bowls – the lost iconographical sources to the history of armour in the Middle Ages

– Robert Heś

The beginnings of the firearms in Zgorzelec (Gorlitz) 1393-1420

– Marlena Izabela Spannbauer, Piotr Strzyż

Medieval militaria from the archaeological research of the castle in Rawa Mazowiecka

– Piotr Pudło, Sławomir Słowiński

The sword’s cross-guard from Podzamcze in Szczecin

– Yurij A. Kulesov

New find of antropomorphic mask from the territory of Russian  Federation

– Olgierd Ławrynowicz

Newly discovered kettle hat from Włocławek on the comparative background

– Arkadiusz Michalak, Piotr Wawrzyniak

Between a weapon and a tool or in a to what was Świebodzin’s sword reforged

– Alan Williams

The Metallurgy of brigandines from Szczerba and Kempten (IN ENGLISH)

– Marcin Glinianowicz, Piotr N. Kotowicz

The dagger from Burdze near Stalowa Wola

– Janusz Firlet

The two coronals of the tournament lances from the researches in Wawel

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