Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae, vol. XXI


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Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae

vol.  XXI

 Lodz 2008


Fasciculi Archaeologiae Historicae is prestigious magazine listed by ERIH – European Reference Index for the Humanities.

Few volumes is dedicated to archaeology of arms, armor and wars in general. Multilingual character makes it “must have” book for every historian and collector of antique arms. Printed only in 300 copies!!!



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– Wladimir A. Goronczarowskij, Siedlo w kompleksie sirzenija berhovogo konja na Bospore w rimskoe wriemja

– Sergey G. Botalov, Horses a bitting and harness Huns and Turkics of the Ural-Kazakhstan steppes

– F.C. Chudiakov, Siedla drevnich turok centralnoi Azji

– Witold Swietoslawski, The Saddle of the Late Medieval Steppe Nomads

– Anette Seemann, La selle de cheval dans l’iconographie alsacienne (XIIe-XVe Siecles)

– Piotr Nowakowski, Remarks on the Construction, Evolution and Use of the War Saddle in Late Medieval Poland

– Piotr N. Kotowicz, Early Medieval War-Flails (Kistens) from Polish Lands


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