Old Weapons in Polish Collections


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“Old Weapons in Polish Collections”

“Stara broń w polskich zbiorach”

by Zdzisław Żygulski jun.

Warszawa 1982


Without a doubt – this is the most famous and the best album-book on arms and armour printed in Poland, comparable with the most spectacular books of European scholars like: L.G. Boccia, B. Thomas, C. Blair, A. V. Norman, H. Seitz, J. Mann or E. Wagner!

Over 270 color pictures of fine art military objects from Poland, Europe and Middle-Eastern countries, with accompanied history of Polish collections. The book is partially in English (forward and captions).

In American antique bookstores prices of this book are reaching 200$ !



I. Polish Weapons

II. Foreign Weapons in Polish Collections

III. West European Weapons purchased in 19th and 20th centuries

IV. Eastern Weapons purchased in 19th and 20th centuries

What can be found in the catalogue:

– Polish hussars armours

– Unique armours as bechters

– Medieval swords

– Huge amount of Polish sabres of all kinds: Hungarian-Polish, hussars, karabelas, ordynkas.

– Military edged weapons

– Rapiers and smallswords

– Shafted weapons

– Maces

– Firearms

– Crossbows

– Saddles and horse attires

– Parade and joust armours

– Kalkans and Turkish sabres!

– Persian armours and helmets

– Persian sabres

– Indian armours

– Japanese armours

– Axes and pole arms

– Far Eastern Weapons (Pata, tulwar, kries, klewang, piha kaetta) and many more!

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Weight 1.5 kg







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