Studies in the History of Old Arms and Uniforms, vol. 12


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“Studia do dziejów dawnego uzbrojenia i ubioru wojskowego” cz. 12

[Studies in the history of old arms and uniforms, vol. 12]


ed. by Zdzisław Żygulski jun.

Kraków 2005


This is one of the very few major and respected periodics on antique arms and armour published in Poland, edited by known scholar, prof. Z. Żygulski.


Contents (articles in Polish):

– Maciej Jeske, Again on Hussaria… (Some remarks on the book by Anna Wasilkowska) – with short English summary

– Zdzisław Żygulski jun., Armament and Tactics of the Cossacks of Zaporozhe – with short English summary

– Wiesław and Lena Zajączkowski, Military Uniform as a system of visual information – with short English summary

– Zbigniew Fuiński, The Bosniaks, the Comrades, and the Uhlans – or the Poles in the Prussian Army from 1740 through 1807 – with short English summary

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